الاثنين، 4 يناير 2016

Cell Phone Spy Software For The New Year

There are so many expectations that come with a new year. You’re going to lose weight, you’re going to be a better person, you’re going to find the man or woman of your dreams. We all have great expectations for our resolutions only to find ourselves failing by January 15th.

Does that sound familiar?

Here’s A Resolution You Can Stick To

But I’ve got a resolution for you to stick to. It’s the promise of safety for your loved ones. Did your teenage son or daughter just get an iPhone or Android for the holidays? Do they love it? Will they not put it down? That kind of behavior is to be expected. You know they’re texting, posting, emailing and more. But how do you really know about his or her online life?

Teens Keep Secrets

It’s a fact – and you know you did it yourself. Teens keep secrets. But back in the good old days, when a parent walked in the room, teens would lower their voices when speaking on a LAN line to keep a secret from Mom and Dad. But now all of their secrets are harder to crack because everything is done online, on their laptops, but mostly on their cell phones.

A Secret Society

One of the main secrets that teens keep to themselves is their social media life. Teens and tweens sign up for sites like Snapchat, Instagram and more every day. Forget Facebook! That’s for old people. But the idea is the same – they’re posting statuses, videos and of course pictures every second of the day to speak to their friends.

But What If You’re Not Liking What You’re Seeing? Or Hearing?

It happens, right? Maybe a friend of yours is one of your daughter’s Instagram followers, and she forgot about it (after all, she’s got 5,000 followers.) Now your daughter is posting inappropriate bikini photos to her Instagram account. And your friend lets you know. You take a look for yourself, and are shocked.

A Cell Phone Spy Software To The Rescue

A cell phone spy app like Auto Forward can help with this problem. This powerful app lets you see all photos, videos, social media activity, call logs, emails and much more on another person’s phone. Once you download the app to the target phone, you’re able to see exactly what’s on the phone.

How Does It Work?

When researching a cell phone spy, many people may look for a free cell phone spy without target phone, but Auto Forward is a much better alternative than the free apps on the market. Why? Auto Forward cell phone spy works by extracting data from a cell phone and displaying it on your own cell phone, tablet or computer. It’s completely portable and anonymous. Auto Forward establishes a remote connection with the monitored device and extracts all available information for that device. And the software never expires.

Why Is It So Effective?

There’s nothing worse than being a parent and having concerns about your child’s safety. With a cell phone monitoring software, you can put your worries to rest by having the proof in hand about what your child is doing online, and then take action.

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